Sunday, June 30, 2013

How do you love bitterness?

How do you love someone, learn to accept someone and try not to judge them for who they are just because you made the decision to allow them into your life a while back with full knowledge of who they are? To be the light and the positivity in their life because they have so much good in them but it's buried under such disdain and bitterness. To not allow the ugliness rub off onto you yet to not let them feel resentful when you refuse to get sucked into the tirade of darkness.

I've cut people out of my life before, it wasn't easy or pretty but with someone I have so much history with, it's not an option. Yet every time when he belittle my experiences with madness I flinch. It's not a window I open to just anyone and for him to brush them off as 'looking for attention' hurts on so many levels, wrong on so many folds, all the Love I have for him gets infected by his pain, anger and hate.

And I have to stop. Breathe. And remember.